The Duality

We do face on a minute by minute basis, a multitude of decisions as we go through our daily lives. How many of these decisions are conscious decisions and how many habitual or unconscious? How often in our lives are we on auto pilot when instead we should be at the wheel and alert, if not at times with teeth clenched. How often do we tell ourselves and those around us things about us as if they were permanent and could never change? “Oh, that’s not for me.” or more personally ” I have a mouthful of sweet teeth!”. If you so choose to be a different you, you can do so the very next minute.

If you were sent from the heavens to inhabit a human vessel should you not live every minute as if it were your last. For any minute fate may return you to the heavens. Is this the duality of the nature of life? Live in the moment but plan for the future? Is the secret to a fulfilled life the ability to zoom in and out of your life in different time states, past, present and future you? Maybe….. maybe past you can show you your mistakes, future you must plan and make your decisions and present you must just be happy that you are alive and get back to your purpose!


