
Fear can be a crippling emotion. It can bring us to our knees. It can turn a moment of apparent success into one of complete failure. It can shut down all of your common sense and ability to apply even well developed skill.

As a pursuer of goals and dreams, you must develop the mental strength to stay focused on the task at hand rather than the fear of the outcome of said task. This comes easier to some than others. Why? Could it be some unprocessed trauma or a mental loop that keeps playing over and over. Could it be that when under stress, your natural breathing patterns are disrupted, elevating your anxiety and that simple focus on breathwork could work miracles.

Most of us in today’s world, depending on our economic situation and where in the world we are at the moment, do not require the fight or flight response for our daily life. However it does get activated from time to time even in moments where there is no apparent immediate risk to our health. Is there something that your body knows and feels but your mind is denying? Is it that your body knows when a make it or break it moment is happening? Does your spirit realize a test of will even when your mind knows that there is no physical danger?

Maybe all you need is repetition of positive affirmations and a mental checklist that will help you close the thought loop and keep negative emotions out in the moments that matter the most. Whatever the case, it is your responsibility to overcome this fear. No one else can do it for you.

So keep stepping into the fire, it is where the strongest steel is forged!