Category: Anthony in pursuit of life

  • The Duality

    We do face on a minute by minute basis, a multitude of decisions as we go through our daily lives. How many of these decisions are conscious decisions and how many habitual or unconscious? How often in our lives are we on auto pilot when instead we should be at the wheel and alert, if…

  • Moving on

    Whether we are in pursuit of a goal or just everyday routine events, we can both, suffer setbacks and enjoy small victories. The thing to keep constantly in mind is not to dwell on either but instead give yourself a minute to get your frustrations out or a minute to celebrate. A small win or…

  • Gratitude

    If you are lucky enough to have a loving family to come home to and a job that helps pay for a roof over the heads of those you hold dearest, then regardless of how difficult a situation you come across, consider yourself infinitely fortunate to have those things. Gratitude for the things we have…

  • And we’re back!

    Foosball is among probably dozens of different ways to say table soccer in as many different languages and their slangs. When I was younger in the middle east we called it babyfoot. Where I grew up in Canada we called it gitz( short for gitoni). From about 2004 I started calling it foosball thanks, to…

  • Targeting and Goal Achieving!

    As an artist and a foosballer, I see a process involved that seems to be universal to a large variety of activities. This process I believe has to do with our eyes. Why our eyes? Obviously so we can see what we are doing. But is there more happening under the surface of that simple…