Category: Anthony in pursuit of life

  • Reward, when and why

    Perhaps we should skip this type of health hazardous and maladaptive cyclical reward system and instead reward ourselves in a healthier manner even for taking daily consistent steps towards our goals and dreams.

  • Never Give Up

    It matters not how many times you fail, fall or falter in your endeavors. But it absolutely does matter that you never give up and rise again, every time.

  • Doing the “Thing”

    So many of our daily unconscious habits have already followed this pattern of learning and are integrated into our daily lives from walking and brushing our teeth to driving to our place of work.

  • Skill development

    If you workout regularly, at least 5 days a week, you are doing yourself a huge favor when compared to majority of the population around the world. However if you are doing the same routine, day in and day out, within a couple of weeks, your body will have adapted quite well to that routine…

  • Move the needle

    Even if it is a rough sketch or something that you will never show anybody, something just for you, that calms your soul and makes everything else around you disappear for those 5 mins, where you are one with your passion and there is no you anymore!

  • Fear

    Is there something that your body knows and feels but your mind is denying? Is it that your body knows when a make it or break it moment is happening? Does your spirit realize a test of will even when your mind knows that there is no physical danger?

  • Losing

    Remember the number of times you lost, got up and tried again. Focus on what you can control and learn to weather the storm in victory or defeat. Try till you die.

  • Aches and Pains

    Is your body telling you something about what you ignore in your daily life that you need to incorporate immediately.

  • Hulk watercolor

    Increasing commercial viability is an important part of being an artist. If you love making art and want to do so for a living it is vital that you think in terms of being a business and having final products ready for sale. Selling and finding your audience is yet another part that needs to…

  • Simple Joys

    Take small time outs to enjoy the simple pleasures of life for at any time, the cosmos can take all or some of our simple treasures away.