Category: Anthony in pursuit of life

  • The Deep End

    How can the pendulum can swing from me being so happy, grateful and appreciative of the wonderful things I have to live for to suddenly being not present anymore and spiraling into a depressive state.

  • Instant Gratification

    Should rewards come from your work, take some time, not just to enjoy them, but to share experiences with those closest to you. This will build memories, that when you in the future, do leave your present, you can actually enjoy the past!

  • Amateur vs Professional

    As an artist, creative person or someone who is in pursuit of something, anything, we must remember that only through consistent routine and discipline, can we call ourselves professionals. We must carve out a time in the day dedicated to our craft. You are what you think and do, so think and do only that…

  • Batching

    If you could batch your work and tasks according to this natural “ultradian rhythm”, discover your minimum but optimum rest time in between the next session, this would be the most productive you could be in any given day.

  • Tracing the line

    By not visualizing the end point first, you are unlikely to make your target and if you do, you won’t know how you did it.

  • Who are you?

    Why not adopt a habit of memorizing various wisdoms passed on through generations from people wiser than you. Repeat them in your head again and again until your whole being reverberates down to your very core with that belief.

  • Patterns of Behavior

    If it is good enough for Roman Emperors, CEOs and World Leaders then it ought to be something You do too!

  • Dig Deeper

    If you falter in your routine, strive to get back immediately. Play hard, but plan to play the long game!

  • Face your fears and grow

    But as someone who is looking to grow as an artist and learn from my mistakes, I had no choice but to go ahead and this was the final result. The benefit of learning anything today is youtube. I am going to invest some time in the university of youtube. And will continue to practice…

  • Thumbnails

    The thumbnailing process is a mandatory prerequisite for a successful illustration process. Do not be afraid to fill up pages of thumbnails prior to setting off on the final