Amateur vs Professional

I have yet to stick to a daily art habit recently, and by art habit, I mean a habit of production. I sketch here and there on a weekly basis and do some odd art jobs, but have yet to carve out that time in the day, everyday where I can be truly dedicated to my passion. This was done about a week ago with marker and ink on vellum. And here is a short of how I went from thumbnail rough to final.


An artist’s job has to be to create art. How and if he gets paid for it is another matter altogether. After listening to a bit of “The War of Art” by Steven Pressfield, I am starting to realize that I have been doing art at the amateur level for many years now. That once again, routine and consistency are better than sporadic bursts. Sometimes these sporadic bursts can last longer than you would think and will leave you drained of energy to continue. I have heard a lot about the “go after it” and “go hard or go home” mentality, but there is something to be said for being patient for results and just being dedicated, respecting the craft to show up as a professional everyday. As an artist, creative person or someone who is in pursuit of something, anything, we must remember that only through consistent routine and discipline, can we call ourselves professionals. We must carve out a time in the day dedicated to our craft. You are what you think and do, so think and do only that thing that you want to do in that time that you have carved for yourself.


