Fitbit and Scales

In this era of digital and wearable technology designed to help us get or stay in shape, while spending cash on the latest and greatest innovations that measure this and give data for that, are we doing any better? A quick glance at the people around you everyday would say contrary. Not everybody is taking advantage of this new technology and for the most part we are just creating more junk for landfills.

But there is one technology that dates back quite aways. You can use it to diagnose your ideal weight immediately. Not just that, you can even use it at the beginning of the day to evaluate your sleep and recovery and at the end of the day to judge if the decisions made throughout the day will help you towards your ideals. These can be your ideal weight, ideal future and any other ideal goals that you may have. Wait, there is more, you can even evaluate things like your posture, muscle mass and even mood.

Be sure to use it wisely and daily for it will never lie to you, and odds are that you already have one in your home. You can get it with or without filters and I highly recommend without. Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you the humble and lowly but ultimately most powerful of all technology, the Mirror.

But could there be a mirrorless mirror? What about self reflection? When we are without mirror what can we do? We can turn inwards and pause for self reflection.


