Doubts??? Good!!

I love competition! It’s the only place to test something that cannot be tested anywhere else. Resolve. All the insecurities, doubts and fears can instantly close in on you. And why shouldn’t they. Aren’t they there to test you and see what you are made of in the first place? How can you be great if you are never tested? Will you get up after defeat? Will you try again and again and never stop trying or will you submit to the pressure and say no more, I’ve had enough?

Well, guess what? You live once and this life is your only chance where you can try again. Greatness is only in the future of those that are willing to make the sacrifices required. And even then, there are levels of sacrifice, from everything to everyone that is not with you on your dream. There is no dreamer that didn’t put the dream first, above all else.

If you are fortunate to have those in your life that are with you, then go for it and leave nothing on the table! If you have people in your life not willing to stay beside you while you live your life then they must either be cut out or your dreams must be adjusted or given up. Both paths are wrought with doubt and possible misery. Is it worth it? Did I make the right decision? Am I destined to be someone the world will remember for my dedication? Should we even stop for a second to ask such questions?

There is no greater vehicle for development of all the strengths required to be exceptional than competition. Unrelenting dedication, focus and of course belief. This is why we call the winners champions and so, long live the arena of your choice and go test yourself till the end!



