Targeting and Goal Achieving!

As an artist and a foosballer, I see a process involved that seems to be universal to a large variety of activities. This process I believe has to do with our eyes. Why our eyes? Obviously so we can see what we are doing. But is there more happening under the surface of that simple statement? I have enjoyed trying out a variety of sporting activities and they all involved using my eyes. Whether it was shooting a basketball, taking a swing in tennis, kicking a soccer ball or scoring a goal on a foosball table, I was always more successful with the following two requisites. One, at the start my focus was on the target and the clearest path towards it and two, my focus stayed with the ball following the clearest path throughout the specific motor skills being performed.

Let’s call this then, the targeting and shot taking system. I believe the system of targeting and goal achieving may be one and the same except with the difference in the length of time required to achieve each target or goal. Whether it’s a line we are drawing on a piece of paper or the line into the net of whichever sport we are playing, the tracking system that draws the line and the focus required to follow through is the common element throughout. This would mean that for goals farther in the future, a clear line must still be drawn out in our mind’s eye of how we are going to get there, what activities or specific skills need to be developed and staying focused until we see it through. The good news is that more we use this system and get better at it, we can use it to achieve a variety of things across all aspects of life and at different timeframes.

I think this is what Musashi spoke about when he said “Know the way broadly and you will see it in all things”


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